We left Kirkenes today. It’s definitely the land of the
midnight sun, since it NEVER got dark—not even dusky. We boarded the M S Nordlys around noon. It’s really great because even though
the ship holds lots of passengers, it’s not that crowded.
We were able to upgrade our
cabin, which is sweet!
The day was glorious and
sunny with some beautiful scenery along the way.
Since the ship a mail, cargo,
ferry, and cruise ship all rolled up into one, we stop in quite a few small
towns. This afternoon we stopped
in Vardø. It’s a fishing village
with an old fort and military radar installation (the round structures).
According to some passengers
and Wikipedia, its
official purpose is the tracking of space junk, but due to its proximity to Russia
and an alleged connection between the radar system and U.S. anti-missile
systems, the site has been the basis for heated controversy in diplomatic and
intelligence circles. There were also awesome murals on the sides of buildings.
As we
sailed out of Vardø, there were tons of Common Guillemots. Very cool!
The champagne and fruit is a very important upgrade!!!